A rich literature review focused on motivational aspects of judgement and decision making and the debasing tools to inform both psychologists and decision and risk analysts with ultimate purpose to improve decision making

The discipline is behaviour science, business management/decision sciences, neuroscience and psychology.

Decision and risk analysis were designed to improve judgement and decision making. The fields are closely intertwined with cognitive behavioural research and much can be learned from cognitive psychology to improve the elicitation of the key components of decision and risk analysis models. We hope that with the addition of a research component focused on motivational aspects of judgement and decision making as well as a stronger research approach to the study of debasing tolls in the context, a rich literature review can be created to inform both psychologists and decisions and risk analysts with the ultimate purpose to improve decision making. (See Montibeller and von Winterfeldt 2015) attached.

Please could you prepare this literature review?

The literature on motivational and cognitive biases and de-biaising tools is fragmented as Montibeller (2018) argues and it would be great if you could bring all together to make sense to the sentence above and improve decision making.