Write a 1 paragraph explanation of your reading process. How did this particular reading go for you? If you are not sure how to answer this question, choose one or two of the following prompts.

1. Write a 1 paragraph explanation of your reading process. How did this particular reading go for you? If you are not sure how to answer this question, choose one or two of the following prompts.
While I was reading,
I felt confused when . . .
I was distracted by . . .
I started to think about . . .
I got stuck when . . .
The time went quickly because . . .
I stopped because . . .
I lost track of everything except . . .
I figured out that . . .
I first thought but then realized that . . .
I finally understood . . .
I remembered that earlier in the book . . .

2. Write down 4 survival words from this particular readingwords that you feel are important to understand in order to understand the text, or that you have decided to learn as part of your pursuit of college level academic literacy.

3. Define the words you choose and in 1 paragraph explain why you chose them as survival words. In other words, explain what an understanding of these words added to your understanding of the reading.