What is an example of “virtual unreality” in your life? Think of some situation that Seife talks about in chapter 4.

What is an example of “virtual unreality” in your life? Think of some situation that Seife talks about in chapter 4. it can be a minor reference he makes anywhere in the chapter.
Use image and text to illustrate that idea. The image(s) and text can be organized in whatever way seems right to you. Be creative; express yourself.
Use one or more images AND words of text on one page. Your words should NOT simply describe the image.
The text requirement is there to help you convey that idea, but the words are also a visual element; that is, you are not writing sentences and paragraphs in an essay. The text is part of the picture. They have meaning as words of course, but they also convey meaning by their size, placement, color, font style. Do not copy and paste someone else’s art or photography. YOU are the creator of everything on your page.
visual rhetoric: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vJvivIzkDg