Thesis- Home schooling does not limit social interaction

all 5 sources must be from EBSCO

2,000-word minimum, 2,200- maximum

Proper MLA citation format

Sources cited in the paper must be articles gotten from online databases OmniFile Full Text Select and Academic Search Complete (both available in EBSCOhost under Electronic Subscriptions on the KC Library homepage)

No fewer than 5 sources (articles gotten from online databases) cited directly in the paper and no more than 8 sources cited directly in the paper.

A works cited page listing alphabetically the sources cited in the paper (should be the last page of the research paper).

Proper use of MLA in-text parenthetical citation

A complete Introduction and a complete Conclusion

An arguable thesis statement that adheres to my Research Paper Guidelines

Proper page formatting. 12 point Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, double spaced.

No long quotations (aka block quotations). Long quotations exceed 4 lines of typed text in the paper.