This is an Issue Brief:
The CFO was reading a magazine that discussed the wide applications of telemedicine. By the next meeting, the board wants a brief with a list of the known barriers to telemedicine adoption and as well as the benefits. List the specialties that are more inclined to successfully use telemedicine as well as those which pose more difficultly. Provide your assessment on how useful you think telemedicine is to your specialty and to the hospital in general.
The goal is to learn to write and present concisely for an executive audience. This will be composed of a MAX two page written brief (not including title page) on an emerging current topic within the assigned areas. Make sure to not be too technical I want you to pretend this is to a hospital board, which will have people only who have only a cursory technical and/or medical knowledge. You will be responsible for identifying an acceptable topic within the approved subjects and receiving instructor approval for it. Each assignment will be submitted following the instructions in the assignment box and the guidelines in the bullets below. The goal of this exercise is to brief a hospital executive board on a topic, evaluate its usefulness/applicability in the clinical setting, and make a recommendation (e.g. adoption, do not adopt, mandatory training, further research, etc) as completely and concisely as possible.