Review the definition of a rite of passage. Think about your own transitions, from childhood to adolescence, and adolescence to early adulthood.

Review the definition of a rite of passage. Think about your own transitions, from childhood to adolescence, and adolescence to early adulthood.
Write a description of the event, and the reason for it.

Reflect over how you felt before and after: did the rite of passage help to make them feel a transition was taking place? How were you treated before/after the rite of passage by those closest to you?
*** treated better years later because of success

How is this particular rite of passage viewed within the larger society? Is it considered mainstream, or subcultural? Do technology (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and other factors (events, people) play important roles? How would someone with no connection to this particular rite of passage interpret it? Your descriptions should be as detailed as possible. In your descriptions, also consider the following questions:

Symbolic behaviordescribe how people mark participation in this rite of passage through dress, hair styles, body adornment, makeup, etc. Earrings? Skirts or slacks? Wristwatches? Does there appear to be any symbolic meaning to any of this?
Normative behaviorwhat appear to be the norms that governed the rite of passage? Did there appear to be certain rules for you (as an initiate) and other rules for others (i.e., individuals who had not yet undergone the same rite of passage, individuals who had completed the rite of passage)? What behavioral cues were used among participants?
To a dispassionate observer, what would seem to be the purpose of the rite of passage in which you participated?