For this unit, we will discuss and describe a painting. You will select a painting from an online museum and discuss it with your classmates by recording a blog post. Please use the CSU Art Appreciation LibGuide to locate an online museum in which to find your painting.

Content Unit III Introduction For this unit, we will discuss and describe a painting. You will select a painting from an online museum and discuss it with your classmates by…

Continue Reading For this unit, we will discuss and describe a painting. You will select a painting from an online museum and discuss it with your classmates by recording a blog post. Please use the CSU Art Appreciation LibGuide to locate an online museum in which to find your painting.

Please provide quality answers to the response for each person. Use the book to cite and the source that each student used. Hollenbeck, J. R., Noe, R. A., & Gerhart, B. A. (2018).Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. McGraw-Hill Education.

Please provide quality answers to the response for each person. Use the book to cite and the source that each student used. Hollenbeck, J. R., Noe, R. A., & Gerhart,…

Continue Reading Please provide quality answers to the response for each person. Use the book to cite and the source that each student used. Hollenbeck, J. R., Noe, R. A., & Gerhart, B. A. (2018).Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. McGraw-Hill Education.

Achievement Gap

What did this week's readings say about the achievement gap in education? How did the information you gained this week influence your thoughts on the achievement gap in education? As…

Continue Reading Achievement Gap what did you take out from these articles ? how aware are you with your jealousy ? have you ever been mindful about how your body reacts? Write 2-4 paragraphs what did you take out from these articles ? how aware are you with your jealousy ? have you ever been mindful about how your body reacts? Write…

Continue Reading what did you take out from these articles ? how aware are you with your jealousy ? have you ever been mindful about how your body reacts? Write 2-4 paragraphs


Describe to me (and others in this discussion) about the best leaders that you work(ed) for. What are the best and worst traits of these individuals? Do you plan to…

Continue Reading Managemenrmt