In 3 – 5 pages, double spaced with 12-point font, analyze two articles regarding women via current news stories.

In 3 – 5 pages, double spaced with 12-point font, analyze two articles regarding women via current news stories. One article must address the role of women in the U.S. One article must address the role of women outside the U.S. The topic is up to you, but feel free to send me a message if you would like topic approval. Your item can come from any reputable U.S. or international print or electronic news source. Your item must have been published within the past year. A link to the news item should accompany your submission. If you use a printed source, make sure to properly cite it. In your paper, consider: 1) how it illuminates a theme(s) from the course, 2) what messages or ideas about gender are conveyed in the article, and 3) which theoretical perspectives are used that you recognize from class.