Ethnography paper on edm music

Write 5-6 pages (no less than 5 full pages) on the topic you chose previously that was approved by me.
Times New Roman font
Size 12 font
1 inch margins on all sides
If you summarize or paraphrase materials from a source, you must cite it properly (even if it was put into your own words).
If you quote someone, you must also cite it properly.
Do not quote something unless it is said by an important person and cannot be restated. (still cite this properly)
Cite within your paper in parenthesis (MLA) with a works cited page at the end on it’s own separate page.
For example: (Author’s Last Name, pg. number) or (abbreviated website)
Your works cited page must be in alphabetical order with proper MLA citation format.
Indent (one tab) only the 2nd line and everything after it. The first line is not indented.
If you use a printed source, list the page numbers used.
Ex. Sentence here. (Norton, pg. 56-59)
In your works cited page at the end of your printed source, also list page numbers used.
Don’t use fluff or filler in your paper, get to the point, stay on track, no need to define words (consider your audience), don’t repeat yourself.
Use the writing center if you dont understand these instructions or need additional help.
PROOF READ! Have someone else read it too!