A great deal of scholarship (perhaps a bit too much) deals with the authenticity of Constantine’s conversion to Christianity. Was Constantine’s conversion authentic? Why or why not? Who argues for the different positions that are held in reference to this topic?
– Use relevant primary sources, the textbook for the class, research databases on the library web site and other pertinent secondary literature (e.g., specialized encyclopedias or dictionaries, academic monographs and academic articles) in order to craft your essay. Use of internet sources is acceptable but should not constitute the entirety of your research. If an online source replicates a reputable print source, you may cite the print source while using the online source. For example, see “The Catholic Encyclopedia” at http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/.
– Cite any sources that you used to gather the information for your essay. You may cite sources either parenthetically (with a “works cited” page) or with footnotes. Lack of citation will result in an incomplete grade for the assignment (which in reality is the equivalent of a 0). This essay should constitute original work and failure to comply in this regard will result in an incomplete grade for the assignment. DO NOT copy/paste a wikipedia article (or other similar online source) into the assignment box.
– These are not reflection essays or journal entries. These are intended to be brief academic essays. Write them as such. A good example of this type of writing can be found in specialized academic dictionaries or encyclopedias. You might refer to The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (on campus in the library) or The Catholic Encyclopedia (online) for examples of such writing.