Critically review one episode of the television show Bones or one of the Kathy Reich’s books (which the series is based on ) where they complete a full forensic review and biological profile of the victim.

1. Provide a very brief overview of the plot focusing on providing key details of the crime scene (this should be no longer than a few sentences). You should not spend time describing the characters or their relationships you may introduce them just by name and job title.
2. Your main discussion should focus on the biological profile whether this was conducted accurately, and why/why not. If appropriate methods were not used, what should have been done?
3. In addition to your discussion of the biological profile, you may discuss problems you find with any or all of the following (where applicable): the science (particularly with respect to the biological profile), the handling of the human remains, the collection of evidence, the presentation of the data, and the roles of the people involved. Explain why an action is wrong (for example, does the interpretation of the evidence in the episode suggest it can do much more that it can in real life?). Provide an explanation of what should have been done (and which methods should or could have been used) or what the evidence should have been able to tell. Discuss anything that was done accurately, or at least reasonably accurately, from a forensic anthropology point of view.