Civic Action Scorecard COVID-19 Edition
You will submit a Civic Action Scorecard Portfolio for this class. You will document various civic actions that you complete, and will you will reflect upon your experiences in completing said civic actions. These activities are supported by the Institute for Civic Engagement and Democracy at Miami Dade College. Stand up. Be counted. Do something. This assignment allows you to do something worthwhile. So, then, just do something worthwhile.
Logistics: Generalized instructions for completing your Civic Action Scorecard can be found here:
If the link doesnt work for some reason, you try cutting and pasting it, or, you can easily goggle it.
You need to review the instructions in the link above carefully.
YOU and YOU ALONE are responsible for studying and interpreting the instructions in the link above. I will not interpret the instructions for you. Please understand you may need to review them several times in order to make sure you fully understand them.
For this class, we have more specified requirements. You must:
-upload your completed Scorecard as a single.doc or .docx formatted document into Blackboard.
-complete all reflections as Written Reflections where applicable. They must be 200 words and they must be thoughtfully written (see section on Reflections below).
Completing these items will result in earning 55 (or more) Scorecard points. You are welcome to earn more than 55 points. Points of 100 or more are eligible for the Civic Action Award through the Institute for Civic Engagement & Democracy (iCED). For this class, we will translate Scorecard points directly into class points.
Be a good human being whilst completing Scorecard items. Just be cool. Be real. Represent yourself, your family, your diaspora, and MDC with pride. It never looks good when you look bad.
Writing Reflections:
Write meaningfully. In this exercise, meaningful reflections empirically tie your personal experiences to broader social issues. Think about what you do, think, and feel before, during, and after completing the Scorecard item. Explicitly address each of the following four questions in all of your written reflections:
1. -Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals does this civic action address?
2. -Explicitly explain how the action you completed specifically addresses the UN Sustainable Development Goal(s).
3. -How has your engagement in this activity altered your perception or consciousness about this issue? What will you do differently in the future as a result?
4. -Explicitly explain how the action you completed is connected to course content in this course.
Information on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals can be found here:
If the link doesnt work for some reason, you can easily google it.
How to do it:
1. Get over yourself.
2. Make time.
3. Embrace your learning experiences.
4. Take making the world a better place seriously.