According to Karl Marx in The Communist Manifesto, a communist society was one in which all members equally contributed to each other’s livelihood free from social class distinctions, centralized government, and capitalism. Knowing this, would you call China a communist country? Why?

1.According to Karl Marx in The Communist Manifesto, a communist society was one in which all members equally contributed to each other’s livelihood free from social class distinctions, centralized government, and capitalism. Knowing this, would you call China a communist country? Why?

2.Historian Robert Strayer has proclaimed Decolonization signaled the declining legitimacy of both empire and race as credible bases for political or social life. It promised not only national freedom but also personal dignity, abundance, and opportunity. To what extent did Africa and India experience the benefits of personal dignity, abundance, and opportunity after their decolonization movements? Why? Support your response with examples from the primary-source excerpts in the assigned textbook reading.